I don’t know about you but when I became a parent I feared my horizons may shrink.
For a time, they did.
Pre-kids I thought nothing of booking a last minute holiday at a rock bottom price and seeing what accommodation awaited us when we got there. I’d go places on a whim, drive and see where the day took me, meet friends in spots we’d never been before.
But then with two babies in tow, I felt my options were limited. And two lively toddlers potentially running off in different directions meant I reckoned we couldn’t venture far. I wanted to play it safe, sticking with the familiar love and warmth of home or among friends and family.
Yet I always yearned for my children to also develop a sense of adventure, to be hungry to learn more of the world around them and be interested in what was going on in far-flung corners of the globe. I hoped they’d be curious and enthusiastic about new activities, new friends, new books even.
So to see their eyes opening more to new adventures was wonderful to behold. Saving up for a foreign holiday was within our grasp, watching them excitedly chatting about trying out a climbing wall or pottery or a range of different cuisines was a joy to behold.
I’m delighted to say that lust for life, for new things and new experiences has stayed with them and my “itchy feet” have some fellow travellers.
So, if you’ve recently become a parent and are wondering, are new horizons beyond your grasp? They’re absolutely not, and the joy you experience seeing things through your children’s eyes will make it all the more magical. It’s worth a little wait.